Von: joel carlinsky
Datum: So 13, Feb 2005 16:17

I did. I refered to Reichs' will, the Journal of Orgonomy, and a documentby the Knights of Malta, information about whom, and Charles Pitchel, caneasily be found on the web, and whose connection with the ACO can be foundin the Journal of Orgonomy. Blasbands' current involvement with Levishov and parapsychology can be found on his own website. His last article in the Journal of Orgonomy was an overview of cloudbusting in which he expressed the opinion that the "intent" of the operator caused the effects, independently of the physical movements of the pipes. The story about his irresponsible cloudbusting in his youth was printed in one of Reichs 'C.OR.E. journals in the 1950s, without his name being mentioned; Eva Reich and Dr. Chester Raphael, both told me it was Blasband. The story about how Ralph Markson got fired came from his ex-wife, Susan Markson. But it was known to other Reichians of the time, including Jerome Greenfield, who confirmed it when I mentioned it to him. As for trying to cause trouble, the ACO has a long record of trying to cause trouble for anyone who dares to work in orgonomy without their license. Historical truth does not cause trouble; hiding it does. I think the worst possible trouble comes from hero-worshiping cultists who tar as "psychopaths" and "emotional plague" serious concerned citizens who exercise their right and civic duty to object to unconcionable and tyranical government policies.


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